GW - Testimony or "A Changed Man"

Tell 'Em About Jesus
Gary Waddell - Evangelist - Victory Ministries Middle Tennessee   1/28/2018

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If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am,

there shall also my servant be:

if any man serve me, him will my Father honor.  

John 12:26   

My name is Gary Waddell. I am a man in my 70s who is a servant of the most high God. It wasn’t always that way. I was raised in a family with a dad and mom both present. At an early age I heard the name of Jesus Christ and the name of God used daily. Only Their names were used in curse words by both parents. They both worked hard to raise six kids but we all endured the language throughout our childhoods.  Please understand that neither parent was brought up in a Christian home - the same with me.  Just sometimes a little repetitive prayer before supper.


Thinking back, as a child, I remember having somewhat of a defiant nature. Innocent outside, devlish inside.  I attended the 2nd and 3rd grade at a Lutheran School (where I did NOT learn who Jesus was) and then 4th grade through 6th grade at a small elementary school which had about 90 kids total. At 14, I remember another public school where there was a mix of many races - there was a lot of turmoil there. It was a daily battle of name-calling and fighting. I didn't want to be there at all.  Many teachers would belittle children who didn’t do well because of the constant barrage of friction in the school. They didn't even like their job or even want to be there themselves - some verbally told us that fact but jobs were scarce.  Most of the boys were C students and below. Many Ds and F’s as in my case. There were other moves and other schools but nothing changed that much regardless of where I went.  A few students claimed to be "religious" but they certainly didn't act very 'Godly'.   And no one ever told me about Jesus.



I had older sisters who were periodically taken to a Lutheran Church on Sunday where they received a Bible and other religious paraphernalia. I was taken there a few times even though I didn't want to go.  One time a large man in a long robe held my head (even though I wanted nothing to do with it) and splashed water in my face while physically restraining me by gripping my neck - didn't have a clue what that was about.  I didn't like church – after all, dad and mom didn’t go. Even with the 3 older girls in church, I still never knew who Jesus was - NO ONE EVER TOLD ME.


As soon as I could, I left home. I fortunately received a notice from the government so I ran down and signed up.  I saw it as a good thing. I was 18 and served a few years in the military including time in South East Asia.  There was a war going on at the time but it surely didn't bother me where I went.  I gambled and drank heavily, which often ended up in a scrap. I was involved in a lot of wicked behavior off duty hours.  I worked 12+ hours a day, 7 days a week at times, but yet had time to drink. I ran with all the wrong guys and they probably said the same about me. Without going into detail, I lived a very wicked lifestyle. One time while in the military, a man named Norman Koester came to me with his buddy, to tell me about Jesus and I ran them off, but they managed to plant a seed for Jesus.  His efforts were not in vain. He would probably be in his late 70s or 80s even. He planted a seed (and he secretly slid Bible tracts into my duffle bag) even though several years passed before I received Jesus and surrendered my life to Christ.


After the military, headache and heartache followed me through the next few years, always working, but often in trouble. Marital trouble, financial trouble, court trouble, spiritual trouble. I worked in Kansas and Oklahoma in the oil patch, on grain elevators, construction and odd jobs for a number of years – dead end jobs that took a toll on me because of the hard work and hard drinking.  I lived a life of hopelessness - I had no hope, no direction.  And around that time, no one told me about Jesus.  Some of my kids today do not even know me at all.  They are unforgiving of my past that they might have remembered as little children, or from 'talk' they 'have heard from others' throughout their lives.  I continue to love and pray for them to be able to have a real relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, soon.


One Sunday eCALVARY_BAPTIST_CHURCH_WONT_FORGET.jpg - 126.08 kBvening in 1979,  I attended Calvary Baptist Church in Kingman, KS and went forward to the alter where I cried helplessly. I wanted something different in my life. Being very ashamed of my life, I wanted the past to go away and I wanted to go to heaven.  A man finally convinced me that there was only ONE WAY (John 14:6), and that was through Christ.  He told me who JESUS was.  He read it to me from the Bible - PROOF.  Very few people spoke to me of Jesus at that timeI even had a terrible and vivid nightmare about the "end of time" (I remember it to this day).  I was so tired of running and tired of my life. I hear folks say, when they were saved, everything changed immediately. Not quite for me. There was a change in my heart but it was also a growing process over the next few years. Yes, I believe God saved me in an instant but my neck was still very stiff and I had sewed a lot of bad seeds (Gal 6:7).  God cleaned up my mouth (quickly), and my lifestyle, I stopped drinking (and later smoking - I personally believe it is a sin but won't argue about it). God led me to start seeking Him on a daily basis (Isa 55:6).He gave me a compassion for others that I never had before. I was "BORN AGAIN" (John 3:3). Through the years I have been encouraged to know Jesus by reading His word daily and staying in prayer with Him many times a day. God has led me to read His Holy Bible completely through every year for well over 20 years instead of reading it occasionally It's not a badge, but an honor to read about my Savior.  

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Glancing back, I personally do not recognize the man I described in the first four paragraphs because when Jesus saved me, He made me a Brand NEW man (2 Cor 5:17). I still know I'm a flawed man but Christ has cleansed me.  When I saw what that 'old man' did, I distanced myself from that man as far as I could. I wanted no part of the stench that man produced. I still want no part of that fellow today.  The Bible says to come out from among them (2 Cor 6:17).  The devil tries to remind me of my past but the Bible says my sins are removed from me as far as the East is to the West (Ps 103:12) so since God said it, I believe it.  I have omitted a lot of sin but I do not want to glorify the Old Life in any way - and I hope whoever reads this will see the hopelessness of the “old man” and turn your lives to ChristHe will make you a NEW Creature too.  He’s waiting (Rev 3:20). Open the door and receive Him (John 1:12-13)


God placed a man in my path years ago.  His name is Brother Bull.  He discipled me for a long time (still prays and keeps in touch with me to this day).  I attended his Sunday School class for 10 years at a local Baptist Church.  What a tremendous growing period that was. I had such a strong desire to tell people about Jesus, that I had 27 white scriptures permanently put on my red truck so kids could read His word; since most of them weren’t being taught about Jesus at home.  One of the deacons (he might have been a false prophet) of that church said that I was a “flash in the pan.”  He didn’t know me very well.  I also remember a long time church member wagging his head when he saw my truck in the parking lot.  A few people started calling it the Ford of the Lord.  And there were many that laughed at me.  That's okay; I saw a lot of children reading the scriptures (praise God) in front of the local Piggly Wiggly store while grocery shopping, knowing they didn't read or hear God's word at home. I tried to visit there at least 3 or 4 times per week or at least park the truck there for a few hours while I drove another vehicle.  There were several men who loved the "Ford of the Lord" and encouraged me often.  Praise GOD for encouragers.


I started ordering and carrying Bible tracts on my person and a lot in my vehicles continually along with my Bible.  I still stay in the tract habit today.  My Brother Bob is now 87 but continues his discipleship of many men.  It’s not just to knowing that a man gives his life to the Lord, but it’s also about helping that individual grow in the LORDWe need lot more mentors in this world.  One of the reasons for the website,  is to help people grow in the Word – men, women and children.  Brother Bull, and also the pastor at that time, Bro Billie Friel, were strong advocates of reading the Bible through each year and I am a solid believer in that.  When one reads through the Bible each year, there is always something new and exciting that is made known.  Always about Jesus. I am sold on 2 Tim 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  An interesting side note: By reading the Bible through each year I have become more of a prolific reader and writer.


I tell you these things for GOD's glory - NOTHING about what I have done on my own.  Since God saved me, I have preached from behind the pulpit, preached on the street, preached in a tent, preached in a classroom, preached in a warehouse; I have taught, I have discipled Christians, started tract ministries for people, helped with church start-ups, and have lived and breathed the name of Jesus Christ for decades and God never allows me to get tired even though I wonder about the outcome at times.  He places new ideas in my heart continually about how I can get the Gospel out and to encourage others to do the same. There may be a problem if one gets tired of telling others about Christ (2 Cor 4:1)As followers of Christ we are not to 'faint' or be weary.   God's word will always refresh us (Phm 1:20).  Time is short and we need to be about His business.  I love the verse Rom 11:25 mainly because I would like to be the one who presents the gospel to the last gentile; whether it be by word of mouth, by my writings, or by a gospel tract. I have a burning desire to "tell people about Jesus". No man can put that fire out and no man can "pluck me out of His hand" (John 10:27-28)I am saved to the uttermost and blessed to be used.


I was presented a good part time job at a large auto plant this past several years and I tell them about Jesus in a classroom setting. I am supposed to be teaching Fork Lift & Mobile Powered Equipment Safety (which I do) but I don’t want to ever miss an opportunity. A lot of students come to us there (from all around the world) with training needs, but it doesn’t take too long to recognize they also have spiritual needs – they need Jesus.  The Lord gave me yet another opportunity to talk to a lot of people one on one and at times, 5 to 10 at a time.  When I first started, I thought I might get fired or reprimanded by being so bold but as of this day, many years have gone by without a complaint from management or the students. Only God could accomplish that. Amen?!  I try to use discernment and gentleness (Matt 10:16).  I was told by several people decades ago that I was an evangelist. Embarrassingly I shrugged it off back then.  But as the years go by, God is showing me that it is true.  He made me an evangelist.  But -  We all are supposed to be evangelists (2 Tim 4:5) I have not only a desire, but a NEED to tell people about Jesus ChristMultitudes do not even know that He is GOD in the flesh (John 1:1).


All of us need to start somewhere. If someone you know doesn’t know about Christ and His glorious gospel, please TELL THEM -- Before it’s too late. And if they don’t listen, tell someone else. Imagine yourself in a crowed shopping mall or a sporting event.  If you held out your arms there is a 90% chance that you will touch someone who doesn’t have Christ as their Lord and Savior.  Jesus said for us to preach the gospel (Mark 16:15) to every creature.   Tell 'Em About Jesus.  It is a command from our Lord. You will run into a lot of ‘spirit killers’ in this world so stay in God’s word and preach the gospel. Sometimes even church members like to throw water on a fire that one has for ChristSo be on guard.  Do not be afraid or timid about the gospel (Mark 8:38)


 I have family and friends who think I am a 'weirdo' or strange and many friends and family do not speak to me anymore because my focus is on Christ.  It brings me sadness about that but Jesus said it would be that way.  He came to bring division (Luke 12:51).  So there are those who are going to call you 'self-righteous', judgmental and pompous.  That is just the way it is, and until they get on board, they won't feel the same way that I do. 


The harvest is plenteous and the Lord wants to send out laborers (Matt 9:38). Will you enter into the fields today and labor?  Do not be ashamed that you know Christ in a personal way (Mark 8:38) and confess Him (Matt 10:32) so all will know who you are and what you stand for.  

Jesus wants us to serve and follow, (John 12:26) and that’s good enough for me.  You will find out that it will be an exciting and rewarding journey.   I hope and pray you can glean a little something out of this brief story of a greatly changed man, and perhaps to help you in your walk with Jesus. If I don't see you 'here', I'll see you 'there'. 



And Just 'tell 'em about Jesus!


Blessings always - Gary (gw)

 G Waddell - Victory Ministries of Middle TN -

Thanks for Taking 5 - God bless and bless GOD