Pick up your Bible 

by Gary Waddell -  iamnotashamed.com   5/5/2018





Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  2 Tim 2:15



Pick up your Bible, and read some today

Maybe start out with John, but do not delay


If you don’t want to read for an hour or two

Then start with a chapter, at 'six, ten and two'


You’ll find when you start, God will open your eyes

You’ll read much about sin, and man’s pride, and his lies


But you’ll read of forgiveness, for all we have done

How a Savior from heaven, has already come


How He died on the cross, to cleanse all our sin

How He loves us so much, He wants us, with Him


Receive Jesus today (John 1:12), He paid the price on the cross

He wants none to perish (2 Peter 3:9), He came for the lost


But it’s not automatic, as many might say

Admit you’re a sinner, believe and surrender today (Rom 10:9-13)


You can’t keep the commandments, you’ll slip every day

So come now to Jesus, there’s no other way


When you receive Jesus,  He’ll come near to you (James 4:8)

He’ll protect, lead and guide you, in all that you do


Then you’ll open your Bible, to find more about Him

And you’ll see that the Bible, is more than just sin


From Proverbs, to Romans, to Mark and through Psalms

Genesis to Revelation, It's where you belong


The Bible may cause you to weep, or to smile

And praise God Almighty, giving thanks all the while


It will teach you to live and teach you to love (1John 2:5)

And to thank God for Jesus, whom He sent from above (John 3:16)


And then, when you finish, you'll say,  “ Amen and Amen! 

"And because you love Jesus, you'll start over again"


 "Just Tell 'Em About Jesus!"


By Gary Waddell - Victory Ministries Middle Tennessee -  iamnotashamed.com

Thanks for "Taking 5"  -  God bless and bless GOD